1. Home
  2. Quick start guide
  3. fibertools
    1. Creating a Fiber-seq BAM
      1. ft predict
      2. ft add-nucleosomes
      3. ft fire
    2. Extracting from a Fiber-seq BAM
      1. ft extract
      2. ft center
      3. ft footprint
      4. ft pileup
      5. ft qc
    3. Help pages for ft subcommands
    4. pyft: Python bindings
    5. Installation
  4. FIRE
    1. Running and installing
    2. Outputs
    3. Methods
      1. Training
      2. Aggregation and peak calling
      3. Identifying haplotype-selective peaks
  5. Glossary
  6. Fiber-seq BAM format
  7. Cite
  8. Analyses
    1. ONT Fiber-seq Analysis