The quick start guide for analyzing Fiber-seq data
Fiber-seq starting with PacBio
HiFi kinetics are required for predicting m6A with fibertools
. Check with your sequencing provider prior to sequencing to ensure that the output file will have kinetics. Additionally, many of fibertools
commands are compatible with CpG methylation which can be completed on instrument (if requested) or later with Jasmine, e.g. jasmine --keep-kinetics input.ccs.bam output.ccs.bam
. This command should be run prior to fibertools
if CpG methylation information is desired as Jasmine will overwrite the m6A predictions in the MM and ML tags.
Predict m6A and infer nucleosomes
To create useable Fiber-seq data you must first call m6A base-mods on the PacBio CCS bam using fibertools
. First install fibertools and then process your bam file using the prediction command.
ft predict-m6a -t 16 input.ccs.bam output.fiberseq.bam
This will both make m6A calls and identify nucleosomes on each fiber.
Note, the input CCS bam must have average kinetics to be able to call m6A.
Alignment and phasing
We recommend aligning with pbmm2 and phasing with HiPhase. Please see their respective documentation for more information.
Alternatively, we have written a snakemake pipeline to align and phase Fiber-seq data; however, this pipeline is not officially supported outside of our lab at this time.
After this point, you will have a Fiber-seq BAM file that is compatible with all the extraction commands in fibertools
Fiber-seq peaks and UCSC browser tracks
Once you have a phased bam file, you can identify Fiber-seq inferred regulatory elements (FIREs) to call Fiber-seq peaks and make a UCSC trackHub. Please see the FIRE repository for more details.
Fiber-seq starting with Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT)
Predict m6A
ft predict-m6a does not include a model for ONT data; however, you can use software, such as Dorado, to add CpG and m6A to your ONT BAM file.
If you do use Dorado you must then filter the m6A calls with modkit using a tenth percentile cutoff for each flow-cell independently. This is the only way to get good m6A calls in our experience, and using any hard ML threshold will not hold between flow-cells. Here is an example command:
modkit call-mods -t 8 -p 0.1 input.dorado.bam filtered.dorado.bam
We also show how to apply this filter and call nucleosomes in one line in the next section.
Infer nucleosomes and MSPs
Once you have CpG and m6A information in your filtered ONT BAM file, you can use ft add-nucleosomes
to infer nucleosomes and MSPs. With Dorado, we find the best results when restricting to the 90% of calls that dorado
is most confident in as determined by modkit.
modkit call-mods -p 0.1 input.bam - | ft add-nucleosomes - output.bam
Alignment and phasing
You can either use Dorado to align your ONT data or use a tool like minimap2 to align your data. If you do use minimap2
be sure to include the flag -y
to preserve the CpG and m6A information in the output BAM file.
We recommend using WhatsHap for phasing ONT data. Please see their documentation for more information.
After this point, you will have a Fiber-seq BAM file that is compatible with all the extraction commands in fibertools
Fiber-seq peaks and UCSC browser tracks
Some users report reasonable success in applying the FIRE pipeline to ONT data. However, please note that FIRE models were not trained or validated for ONT data. With that said, we have developed a heuristic for FIRE that appears to work very well with ONT data. To enable this add ont: true
to your config.yaml
file when setting up your FIRE run.