Help pages for fibertools subcommands


Fiber-seq toolkit in rust


  predict-m6a       Predict m6A positions using HiFi kinetics data and encode the results in the MM and
                        ML bam tags. Also adds nucleosome (nl, ns) and MTase sensitive patches (al, as)
                        [aliases: m6A, m6a]
  add-nucleosomes   Add nucleosomes to a bam file with m6a predictions
  fire              Add FIREs (Fiber-seq Inferred Regulatory Elements) to a bam file with m6a
  extract           Extract fiberseq data into plain text files [aliases: ex, e]
  center            This command centers fiberseq data around given reference positions. This is useful
                        for making aggregate m6A and CpG observations, as well as visualization of SVs
                        [aliases: c, ct]
  footprint         Infer footprints from fiberseq data
  qc                Collect QC metrics from a fiberseq bam file
  track-decorators  Make decorated bed files for fiberseq data
  pileup            Make a pileup track of Fiber-seq features from a FIRE bam
  clear-kinetics    Remove HiFi kinetics tags from the input bam file
  strip-basemods    Strip out select base modifications
  ddda-to-m6a       Convert a DddA BAM file to pseudo m6A BAM file
  help              Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging

ft predict-m6a

Predict m6A positions using HiFi kinetics data and encode the results in the MM and ML bam tags. Also adds
nucleosome (nl, ns) and MTase sensitive patches (al, as)

Usage: ft predict-m6a [OPTIONS] [BAM] [OUT]

  [BAM]  Input BAM file. If no path is provided stdin is used. For m6A prediction, this should be a HiFi bam
         file with kinetics data. For other commands, this should be a bam file with m6A calls [default: -]
  [OUT]  Output bam file with m6A calls in new/extended MM and ML bam tags [default: -]

  -n, --nucleosome-length <NUCLEOSOME_LENGTH>
          Minium nucleosome length [default: 75]
  -c, --combined-nucleosome-length <COMBINED_NUCLEOSOME_LENGTH>
          Minium nucleosome length when combining over a single m6A [default: 100]
      --min-distance-added <MIN_DISTANCE_ADDED>
          Minium distance needed to add to an already existing nuc by crossing an m6a [default: 25]
  -d, --distance-from-end <DISTANCE_FROM_END>
          Minimum distance from the end of a fiber to call a nucleosome or MSP [default: 45]
  -k, --keep
          Keep hifi kinetics data
  -h, --help
          Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version
          Print version

  -F, --filter <BIT_FLAG>        BAM bit flags to filter on, equivalent to `-F` in samtools view [default:
  -x, --ftx <FILTER_EXPRESSION>  Filtering expression to use for filtering records Example: filter to
                                 nucleosomes with lengths greater than 150 bp -x "len(nuc)>150" Example:
                                 filter to msps with lengths between 30 and 49 bp -x "len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Example: combine 2+ filter expressions -x "len(nuc)<150,len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Filtering expressions support len() and qual() functions over msp, nuc,
                                 m6a, cpg
      --ml <MIN_ML_SCORE>        Minium score in the ML tag to use or include in the output [env:
                                 FT_MIN_ML_SCORE=] [default: 125]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging

      --force-min-ml-score <FORCE_MIN_ML_SCORE>  Force a different minimum ML score
      --all-calls                                Keep all m6A calls regardless of how low the ML value is
  -b, --batch-size <BATCH_SIZE>                  Number of reads to include in batch prediction [default: 1]

ft fire

Add FIREs (Fiber-seq Inferred Regulatory Elements) to a bam file with m6a predictions

Usage: ft fire [OPTIONS] [BAM] [OUT]

  [BAM]  Input BAM file. If no path is provided stdin is used. For m6A prediction, this should be a HiFi bam
         file with kinetics data. For other commands, this should be a bam file with m6A calls [default: -]
  [OUT]  Output file (BAM by default, table of MSP features if `--feats-to-text` is used, and bed9 + if
         `--extract`` is used) [default: -]

          Use a ONT heuristic adjustment for FIRE calling. This adjusts the observed number of m6A counts by
          adding pseudo counts to account for the single stranded nature of ONT data [env: ONT=]
  -e, --extract
          Output just FIRE elements in bed9 format
          When extracting bed9 format include all MSPs and nucleosomes
  -f, --feats-to-text
          Output FIREs features for training in a table format
  -s, --skip-no-m6a
          Don't write reads with no m6A calls to the output bam
      --min-msp <MIN_MSP>
          Skip reads without at least `N` MSP calls [env: MIN_MSP=] [default: 0]
      --min-ave-msp-size <MIN_AVE_MSP_SIZE>
          Skip reads without an average MSP size greater than `N` [env: MIN_AVE_MSP_SIZE=] [default: 0]
  -w, --width-bin <WIDTH_BIN>
          Width of bin for feature collection [env: WIDTH_BIN=] [default: 40]
  -b, --bin-num <BIN_NUM>
          Number of bins to collect [env: BIN_NUM=] [default: 9]
      --best-window-size <BEST_WINDOW_SIZE>
          Calculate stats for the highest X bp window within each MSP Should be a fair amount higher than
          the expected linker length [env: BEST_WINDOW_SIZE=] [default: 100]
      --min-msp-length-for-positive-fire-call <MIN_MSP_LENGTH_FOR_POSITIVE_FIRE_CALL>
          Minium length of msp to call a FIRE [env: MIN_MSP_LENGTH_FOR_POSITIVE_FIRE_CALL=] [default: 85]
      --model <MODEL>
          Optional path to a model json file. If not provided ft will use the default model (recommended)
          [env: FIRE_MODEL=]
      --fdr-table <FDR_TABLE>
          Optional path to a FDR table [env: FDR_TABLE=]
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

  -F, --filter <BIT_FLAG>        BAM bit flags to filter on, equivalent to `-F` in samtools view [default:
  -x, --ftx <FILTER_EXPRESSION>  Filtering expression to use for filtering records Example: filter to
                                 nucleosomes with lengths greater than 150 bp -x "len(nuc)>150" Example:
                                 filter to msps with lengths between 30 and 49 bp -x "len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Example: combine 2+ filter expressions -x "len(nuc)<150,len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Filtering expressions support len() and qual() functions over msp, nuc,
                                 m6a, cpg
      --ml <MIN_ML_SCORE>        Minium score in the ML tag to use or include in the output [env:
                                 FT_MIN_ML_SCORE=] [default: 125]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging

ft extract

Extract fiberseq data into plain text files

Usage: ft extract [OPTIONS] [BAM]

  [BAM]  Input BAM file. If no path is provided stdin is used. For m6A prediction, this should be a HiFi bam
         file with kinetics data. For other commands, this should be a bam file with m6A calls [default: -]

  -r, --reference  Report in reference sequence coordinates
      --molecular  Report positions in the molecular sequence coordinates
      --m6a <M6A>  Output path for m6a bed12
  -c, --cpg <CPG>  Output path for 5mC (CpG, primrose) bed12
      --msp <MSP>  Output path for methylation sensitive patch (msp) bed12
  -n, --nuc <NUC>  Output path for nucleosome bed12
  -a, --all <ALL>  Output path for a tabular format including "all" fiberseq information in the bam
  -h, --help       Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version    Print version

  -F, --filter <BIT_FLAG>        BAM bit flags to filter on, equivalent to `-F` in samtools view [default:
  -x, --ftx <FILTER_EXPRESSION>  Filtering expression to use for filtering records Example: filter to
                                 nucleosomes with lengths greater than 150 bp -x "len(nuc)>150" Example:
                                 filter to msps with lengths between 30 and 49 bp -x "len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Example: combine 2+ filter expressions -x "len(nuc)<150,len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Filtering expressions support len() and qual() functions over msp, nuc,
                                 m6a, cpg
      --ml <MIN_ML_SCORE>        Minium score in the ML tag to use or include in the output [env:
                                 FT_MIN_ML_SCORE=] [default: 125]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging

  -q, --quality   Include per base quality scores in "fiber_qual"
  -s, --simplify  Simplify output by removing fiber sequence

ft center

This command centers fiberseq data around given reference positions. This is useful for making aggregate m6A
and CpG observations, as well as visualization of SVs

Usage: ft center [OPTIONS] --bed <BED> [BAM]

  [BAM]  Input BAM file. If no path is provided stdin is used. For m6A prediction, this should be a HiFi bam
         file with kinetics data. For other commands, this should be a bam file with m6A calls [default: -]

  -b, --bed <BED>    Bed file on which to center fiberseq reads. Data is adjusted to the start position of
                     the bed file and corrected for strand if the strand is indicated in the 6th column of
                     the bed file. The 4th column will also be checked for the strand but only after the 6th
                     is. If you include strand information in the 4th (or 6th) column it will orient data
                     accordingly and use the end position of bed record instead of the start if on the minus
                     strand. This means that profiles of motifs in both the forward and minus orientation
                     will align to the same central position
  -d, --dist <DIST>  Set a maximum distance from the start of the motif to keep a feature
  -w, --wide         Provide data in wide format, one row per read
  -r, --reference    Return relative reference position instead of relative molecular position
  -s, --simplify     Replace the sequence output column with just "N"
  -h, --help         Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version      Print version

  -F, --filter <BIT_FLAG>        BAM bit flags to filter on, equivalent to `-F` in samtools view [default:
  -x, --ftx <FILTER_EXPRESSION>  Filtering expression to use for filtering records Example: filter to
                                 nucleosomes with lengths greater than 150 bp -x "len(nuc)>150" Example:
                                 filter to msps with lengths between 30 and 49 bp -x "len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Example: combine 2+ filter expressions -x "len(nuc)<150,len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Filtering expressions support len() and qual() functions over msp, nuc,
                                 m6a, cpg
      --ml <MIN_ML_SCORE>        Minium score in the ML tag to use or include in the output [env:
                                 FT_MIN_ML_SCORE=] [default: 125]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging

ft add-nucleosomes

Add nucleosomes to a bam file with m6a predictions

Usage: ft add-nucleosomes [OPTIONS] [BAM] [OUT]

  [BAM]  Input BAM file. If no path is provided stdin is used. For m6A prediction, this should be a HiFi bam
         file with kinetics data. For other commands, this should be a bam file with m6A calls [default: -]
  [OUT]  Output bam file with nucleosome calls [default: -]

  -n, --nucleosome-length <NUCLEOSOME_LENGTH>
          Minium nucleosome length [default: 75]
  -c, --combined-nucleosome-length <COMBINED_NUCLEOSOME_LENGTH>
          Minium nucleosome length when combining over a single m6A [default: 100]
      --min-distance-added <MIN_DISTANCE_ADDED>
          Minium distance needed to add to an already existing nuc by crossing an m6a [default: 25]
  -d, --distance-from-end <DISTANCE_FROM_END>
          Minimum distance from the end of a fiber to call a nucleosome or MSP [default: 45]
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

  -F, --filter <BIT_FLAG>        BAM bit flags to filter on, equivalent to `-F` in samtools view [default:
  -x, --ftx <FILTER_EXPRESSION>  Filtering expression to use for filtering records Example: filter to
                                 nucleosomes with lengths greater than 150 bp -x "len(nuc)>150" Example:
                                 filter to msps with lengths between 30 and 49 bp -x "len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Example: combine 2+ filter expressions -x "len(nuc)<150,len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Filtering expressions support len() and qual() functions over msp, nuc,
                                 m6a, cpg
      --ml <MIN_ML_SCORE>        Minium score in the ML tag to use or include in the output [env:
                                 FT_MIN_ML_SCORE=] [default: 125]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging

ft footprint

Infer footprints from fiberseq data

Usage: ft footprint [OPTIONS] --bed <BED> --yaml <YAML> [BAM]

  [BAM]  Input BAM file. If no path is provided stdin is used. For m6A prediction, this should be a HiFi bam
         file with kinetics data. For other commands, this should be a bam file with m6A calls [default: -]

  -b, --bed <BED>    BED file with the regions to footprint. Should all contain the same motif with proper
                     strand information, and ideally be ChIP-seq peaks
  -y, --yaml <YAML>  yaml describing the modules of the footprint
  -o, --out <OUT>    Output bam [default: -]
  -h, --help         Print help
  -V, --version      Print version

  -F, --filter <BIT_FLAG>        BAM bit flags to filter on, equivalent to `-F` in samtools view [default:
  -x, --ftx <FILTER_EXPRESSION>  Filtering expression to use for filtering records Example: filter to
                                 nucleosomes with lengths greater than 150 bp -x "len(nuc)>150" Example:
                                 filter to msps with lengths between 30 and 49 bp -x "len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Example: combine 2+ filter expressions -x "len(nuc)<150,len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Filtering expressions support len() and qual() functions over msp, nuc,
                                 m6a, cpg
      --ml <MIN_ML_SCORE>        Minium score in the ML tag to use or include in the output [env:
                                 FT_MIN_ML_SCORE=] [default: 125]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging

ft clear-kinetics

Remove HiFi kinetics tags from the input bam file

Usage: ft clear-kinetics [OPTIONS] [BAM] [OUT]

  [BAM]  Input BAM file. If no path is provided stdin is used. For m6A prediction, this should be a HiFi bam
         file with kinetics data. For other commands, this should be a bam file with m6A calls [default: -]
  [OUT]  Output bam file without hifi kinetics [default: -]

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

  -F, --filter <BIT_FLAG>        BAM bit flags to filter on, equivalent to `-F` in samtools view [default:
  -x, --ftx <FILTER_EXPRESSION>  Filtering expression to use for filtering records Example: filter to
                                 nucleosomes with lengths greater than 150 bp -x "len(nuc)>150" Example:
                                 filter to msps with lengths between 30 and 49 bp -x "len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Example: combine 2+ filter expressions -x "len(nuc)<150,len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Filtering expressions support len() and qual() functions over msp, nuc,
                                 m6a, cpg
      --ml <MIN_ML_SCORE>        Minium score in the ML tag to use or include in the output [env:
                                 FT_MIN_ML_SCORE=] [default: 125]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging

ft strip-basemods

Strip out select base modifications

Usage: ft strip-basemods [OPTIONS] [BAM] [OUT]

  [BAM]  Input BAM file. If no path is provided stdin is used. For m6A prediction, this should be a HiFi bam
         file with kinetics data. For other commands, this should be a bam file with m6A calls [default: -]
  [OUT]  Output bam file [default: -]

  -b, --basemod <BASEMOD>  base modification to strip out of the bam file [possible values: m6A, 6mA, 5mC,
      --ml-m6a <ML_M6A>    filter out m6A modifications with less than this ML value [default: 0]
      --ml-5mc <ML_5MC>    filter out 5mC modifications with less than this ML value [default: 0]
      --drop-forward       Drop forward strand of base modifications
      --drop-reverse       Drop reverse strand of base modifications
  -h, --help               Print help
  -V, --version            Print version

  -F, --filter <BIT_FLAG>        BAM bit flags to filter on, equivalent to `-F` in samtools view [default:
  -x, --ftx <FILTER_EXPRESSION>  Filtering expression to use for filtering records Example: filter to
                                 nucleosomes with lengths greater than 150 bp -x "len(nuc)>150" Example:
                                 filter to msps with lengths between 30 and 49 bp -x "len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Example: combine 2+ filter expressions -x "len(nuc)<150,len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Filtering expressions support len() and qual() functions over msp, nuc,
                                 m6a, cpg
      --ml <MIN_ML_SCORE>        Minium score in the ML tag to use or include in the output [env:
                                 FT_MIN_ML_SCORE=] [default: 125]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging

ft track-decorators

Make decorated bed files for fiberseq data

Usage: ft track-decorators [OPTIONS] --bed12 <BED12> [BAM]

  [BAM]  Input BAM file. If no path is provided stdin is used. For m6A prediction, this should be a HiFi bam
         file with kinetics data. For other commands, this should be a bam file with m6A calls [default: -]

  -b, --bed12 <BED12>          Output path for bed12 file to be decorated
  -d, --decorator <DECORATOR>  Output path for decorator bed file [default: -]
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version

  -F, --filter <BIT_FLAG>        BAM bit flags to filter on, equivalent to `-F` in samtools view [default:
  -x, --ftx <FILTER_EXPRESSION>  Filtering expression to use for filtering records Example: filter to
                                 nucleosomes with lengths greater than 150 bp -x "len(nuc)>150" Example:
                                 filter to msps with lengths between 30 and 49 bp -x "len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Example: combine 2+ filter expressions -x "len(nuc)<150,len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Filtering expressions support len() and qual() functions over msp, nuc,
                                 m6a, cpg
      --ml <MIN_ML_SCORE>        Minium score in the ML tag to use or include in the output [env:
                                 FT_MIN_ML_SCORE=] [default: 125]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging

ft pileup

Make a pileup track of Fiber-seq features from a FIRE bam

Usage: ft pileup [OPTIONS] [BAM] [RGN]

  [BAM]  Input BAM file. If no path is provided stdin is used. For m6A prediction, this should be a HiFi bam
         file with kinetics data. For other commands, this should be a bam file with m6A calls [default: -]
  [RGN]  Region string to make a pileup of. e.g. chr1:1-1000 or chr1:1-1,000 If not provided will make a
         pileup of the whole genome

  -o, --out <OUT>                  Output file [default: -]
  -m, --m6a                        include m6A calls
  -c, --cpg                        include 5mC calls
      --haps                       For each column add two new columns with the hap1 and hap2 specific data
  -k, --keep-zeros                 Keep zero coverage regions
  -p, --per-base                   Write output one base at a time even if the values do not change
      --fiber-coverage             Calculate coverage starting from the first MSP/NUC to the last MSP/NUC
                                   position instead of the complete span of the read alignment
      --shuffle <SHUFFLE>          Shuffle the fiber-seq data according to a bed file of the shuffled
                                   positions of the fiber-seq data
      --rolling-max <ROLLING_MAX>  Output a rolling max of the score column over X bases
      --no-msp                     No MSP columns
      --no-nuc                     No NUC columns
  -h, --help                       Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version                    Print version

  -F, --filter <BIT_FLAG>        BAM bit flags to filter on, equivalent to `-F` in samtools view [default:
  -x, --ftx <FILTER_EXPRESSION>  Filtering expression to use for filtering records Example: filter to
                                 nucleosomes with lengths greater than 150 bp -x "len(nuc)>150" Example:
                                 filter to msps with lengths between 30 and 49 bp -x "len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Example: combine 2+ filter expressions -x "len(nuc)<150,len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Filtering expressions support len() and qual() functions over msp, nuc,
                                 m6a, cpg
      --ml <MIN_ML_SCORE>        Minium score in the ML tag to use or include in the output [env:
                                 FT_MIN_ML_SCORE=] [default: 125]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging

ft qc

Collect QC metrics from a fiberseq bam file

Usage: ft qc [OPTIONS] [BAM] [OUT]

  [BAM]  Input BAM file. If no path is provided stdin is used. For m6A prediction, this should be a HiFi bam
         file with kinetics data. For other commands, this should be a bam file with m6A calls [default: -]
  [OUT]  Output text file with QC metrics. The format is a tab-separated file with the following columns:
         "statistic\tvalue\tcount" where "statistic" is the name of the metric, "value" is the value of the
         metric, and "count" is the number of times the metric was observed [default: -]

      --acf                                Calculate the auto-correlation function of the m6A marks in the
                                           fiber-seq data
      --acf-max-lag <ACF_MAX_LAG>          maximum lag for the ACF calculation [default: 250]
      --acf-min-m6a <ACF_MIN_M6A>          Minimum number of m6A marks to use a read in the ACF calculation
                                           [default: 100]
      --acf-max-reads <ACF_MAX_READS>      maximum number of reads to use in the ACF calculation [default:
      --acf-sample-rate <ACF_SAMPLE_RATE>  After sampling the first "acf-max-reads" randomly sample one of
                                           every "acf-sample-rate" reads and replace one of the previous
                                           reads at random [default: 100]
  -m, --m6a-per-msp                        In the output include a measure of the number of m6A events per
                                           MSPs of a given size. The output format is:
                                           "m6a_per_msp_size\t{m6A count},{MSP size},{is a FIRE}\t{count}"
                                           e.g. "m6a_per_msp_size\t35,100,false\t100"
      --n-reads <N_READS>                  Only process the first "n" reads in the input bam file
  -h, --help                               Print help
  -V, --version                            Print version

  -F, --filter <BIT_FLAG>        BAM bit flags to filter on, equivalent to `-F` in samtools view [default:
  -x, --ftx <FILTER_EXPRESSION>  Filtering expression to use for filtering records Example: filter to
                                 nucleosomes with lengths greater than 150 bp -x "len(nuc)>150" Example:
                                 filter to msps with lengths between 30 and 49 bp -x "len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Example: combine 2+ filter expressions -x "len(nuc)<150,len(msp)=30:50"
                                 Filtering expressions support len() and qual() functions over msp, nuc,
                                 m6a, cpg
      --ml <MIN_ML_SCORE>        Minium score in the ML tag to use or include in the output [env:
                                 FT_MIN_ML_SCORE=] [default: 125]

  -t, --threads <THREADS>  Threads [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...  Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]
      --quiet       Turn off all logging