
This command centers Fiber-seq data around given reference positions. This is useful for making aggregate m6A and CpG observations, as well as visualization of SVs

Inputs and options

See the help message for details.

Output description

This command writes Fiber-seq data in a tab-delimited format to stdout that has been centered relative to positions specified in the input bed file.

Column Description
chrom Chromosome
centering_position The position on the chromosome about which data is being centered.
strand The strand of the centering position.
subset_sequence The sequence of the read around the centering position.
reference_start The start position of the read in the reference.
reference_end The end position of the read in the reference.
query_name The name of the sequencing read
RG The read group the read belongs to
centered_query_start The start position of the read relative to the centering position
centered_query_end The end position of the read relative to the centering position
query_length The length of the read

Additional columns specific to long (default) format

Column Description
centered_position_type The type of position being centered. One of: m6A, 5mC, nuc, msp.
centered_start The start position of the “feature” relative to the centering position
centered_end The end position of the “feature” relative to the centering position
centered_quality The quality of the “feature” relative to the centering position (ML value)

Additional columns specific to the wide format

Column Description
centered_m6a_positions A comma separated list of m6a positions
m6a_qual The quality of the m6a positions (ML value)
centered_5mC_positions A comma separated list of 5mC positions
5mC_qual The quality of the 5mC positions (ML value)
centered_nuc_starts A comma separated list of nuc starts
centered_nuc_ends A comma separated list of nuc ends
centered_msp_starts A comma separated list of msp starts
centered_msp_ends A comma separated list of msp ends
query_sequence The sequence of the read

Note if the --wide flag is used with the --reference flag some positions in the comma separated lists can be NA when the reference sequence has an insertion or deletion relative to the read sequence at that position.