This command centers fiberseq data around given reference positions. This is useful for making aggregate m6A and CpG observations, as well as visualization of SVs.

See for a description of the output.

Usage: ft center [OPTIONS] <BAM> <BED>

          Aligned Fiber-seq bam file

          Bed file on which to center fiberseq reads. Data is adjusted to the start position of the bed file and corrected for strand if the strand is indicated in the 6th column of the bed file. The 4th column will also be
          checked for the strand but only after the 6th is. If you include strand information in the 4th (or 6th) column it will orient data accordingly and use the end position of bed record instead of the start if on the
          minus strand. This means that profiles of motifs in both the forward and minus orientation will align to the same central position

  -m, --min-ml-score <MIN_ML_SCORE>
          Minium score in the ML tag to include in the output
          [default: 125]

  -d, --dist <DIST>
          Set a maximum distance from the start of the motif to keep a feature

  -w, --wide
          Provide data in wide format, one row per read

  -r, --reference
          Return relative reference position instead of relative molecular position

  -s, --simplify
          Replace the sequence output column with just "N"

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

  -t, --threads <THREADS>
          [default: 8]

  -v, --verbose...
          Logging level [-v: Info, -vv: Debug, -vvv: Trace]

          Turn off all logging