
Snakemake pipeline for processing fiberseq data

View the Project on GitHub fiberseq/fiberseq-smk

Generating bed files from fiberseq bam(s)

This optional step allows you to make some common bed files for fiberseq data. These bed files are not required for the pipeline to run, but they are useful for visualizing your data.


For this pipeline the only additional dependency is UCSC tools, so make sure you have UCSC tools installed and in your path. You can get them from here: If you are on hyak you can add my copy to your path by adding this to your .bashrc:


Generating bed files

To run the bed file generation pipeline grab your fiberseq bam file and the reference it was aligned to. Then you can run the pipeline with a command based on this example:

snakemake \
  --profile profile/local `# sets up where and how jobs are submitted` \
  --config \
    make_beds=True `# Tells the pipeline to make bed files instead of a fiberseq bam` \
    env="fiberseq-smk" `# sets the conda env for the jobs, always the same` \
    GM12878=GM12878.fiberseq.bam `# path to the fiberseq bam, and the key sets the sample name` \
    ref=hg38.fa `# reference that the fiberseq.bam`  

Separating these bed steps into their own pipeline allows you to merge multiple SMRT cells of fiberseq data from the same sample before making bed files. Which is the more common use case.

Outputs of the bed pipeline

Example output files if your sample name is test:

Unaligned outputs Aligned outputs
```bash # bed files results/test/bed/test.unaligned.cpg.bed.gz results/test/bed/test.unaligned.m6a.bed.gz results/test/bed/test.unaligned.msp.bed.gz results/test/bed/test.unaligned.nuc.bed.gz ``` ```bash # aligned bed files results/test/bed/test.aligned.cpg.bed.gz results/test/bed/test.aligned.m6a.bed.gz results/test/bed/test.aligned.msp.bed.gz results/test/bed/test.aligned.nuc.bed.gz # aligned pseudo-bed files results/test/density/test.CpG.bed.gz results/test/density/test.CpG.reference.bed.gz results/test/density/test.dinuc.bed.gz results/test/density/test.msp.bed.gz # aligned big bed file results/test/bigbed/ results/test/bigbed/ results/test/bigbed/ results/test/bigbed/ ```

All the bed output files are bed12 format. If the bed output file name includes aligned, its bed coordinates are in reference space, conversely if it begins with unaligned then all the coordinates are with respect to the unaligned fiberseq read. For both aligned and unaligned there are four types of bed files:

For all records in all the bed files the first and last block position do not reflect real data, they are only there because bed12 format requires the first and last block to match the first and last position of the entire read.

For the 4 pseudo-bed output files, the first 3 fields are consistent with the bed12 format.